We are so excited you are here and would love to help you feel at home. Here is a little bit about us...

Renewal is a church plant that started roughly 4 years ago. We began meeting in the Dahl Arts Center and have since moved into the old Chuck E. Cheese building in March of 2021. We love our neighborhood and enjoy seeing people of all different backgrounds join us. At Renewal we value our relationships with God and with one another. We are just a bunch of normal people that are laid back and do Sundays casual-like.

Our core values are Gather, Grow, & Give. On Sunday nights we 'Gather to Jesus' for our weekly service where we worship God through community, songs, and fellowship. We 'Grow Together' throughout the week by joining Grow Groups, which happen at a smaller and more intimate level with people of similar ages. Grow Groups are available for all ages. Lastly, we 'Give to the World' by joining together for monthly Give Projects where we go out and serve our community in a variety of ways.

What to expect

We understand that it can be kinda nerve-racking walking into a new place for the first time, so here's a little bit of a rundown of the night and what to expect while you're here.

  • Door Greeters: There will be a crew waiting outside the doors to greet you when you first come. They will welcome you, give you a card for a free drink at the coffee shop, and show you in.
  • Welcome Crew: Once you are in the building, someone will be there to show you around to the Guest Hub where you can get a free thank you gift for visiting, the NewBrew Coffee Shop where, with your free drink gift card, you can get a coffee, smoothie, cocoa, and anything else you’d like to drink. They will also show you the restrooms and help you find a table to sit at.
  • Worship Band: We have a modern and upbeat worship band that helps us experience God’s presence in an interactive and lively way! They will play about 5 songs per service; a few before the message and a couple afterwards.
  • The Message: At Renewal, Pastor Jon teaches in an interactive and engaging way that is practical and understandable. We discuss how the Bible is living and still relevant in a modern world with the power to transform us.
  • Meet-n-Greet: After the service we all hang out in the lobby area and chit chat with one another about life, what our weeks gonna look like, the sermon we just heard, or whatever. This is a great time to meet new people and get coffee and/or gift if you haven’t done so yet.

Everything we do stems from the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Strong faith? Little faith? No faith? Then this is the church for you. Renewal is a gathering of God’s children of all different faith levels who seek to learn who King Jesus is, what He’s done for us, and how He affects every aspect of our lives.

We believe truly following Jesus is more than just saying a prayer or checking a box next to “Christian” when asked about faith.

Jesus IS King and His kingdom looks different than the kingdoms of this world. His Gospel sets us free to worship God for all of His glory, in Spirit and in truth. We would love to have the privilege to meet you and share the great news of the Gospel.

Come join us as we follow Jesus!

We are part of the Mennonite Brethren Denomination

Not familiar with Mennonite Brethren?

We are excited to tell you more about us!

Our Core Convictions

  • We are a believer’s church: to deal with our human sinfulness, we teach conversion to new life through faith in Jesus Christ and practice baptism as a public sign of personal commitment to Jesus as Savior and Lord.
  • We are Bible-centered: we accept the Bible as the inspired and authoritative word of God, seeking to obey its teaching, as illumined by the Holy Spirit and interpreted in the Christian community.
  • We emphasize discipleship: we seek to live as authentic followers of Jesus in our daily lives, orienting our lives around Jesus’ teaching and model.
  • We value Christian fellowship: we believe the church is a biblical and mutually loyal community that expresses itself in worship, fellowship, accountability and witness.
  • We are mission-minded: we share our faith by telling others about the Good News of Jesus and serving others in our neighborhoods and around the world, in obedience to Jesus’ Great Commandment and to the Great Commission.
  • We seek peace: we believe the Bible invites us to be at peace with God and with others, even our enemies.
  • We cultivate healthy relationships: we are committed to choices that produce wholeness, healing, joy and peace in all relationships.