Romans 12 Exodus 31:2-11

Main Idea: As we become a living sacrifice, we start seeing with clarity how God has uniquely gifted each of us for our role in the Body of Christ

Point 1: The grand story of redemption is an invitation to give your body to God by submitting to the work of the Holy Spirit


Point 2:  Living our life apart from the Holy Spirit is conforming to the world’s pattern


Point 3: We evaluate our lives honestly when we look at if we are using our gifting to build up the church in love


Purpose of motivational gifts – We belong to each other so be motivated to build each other up

  • Prophesy: The ability to speak the message of God to others. This sometimes involves foresight or visions of what is to come. Insite that could not come from outside knowledge. This skill should be used only to offer encouragement or warning.
  • Serving: A talent for identifying tasks needed for the body of Christ and using available resources to get the job done.
  • Teaching: The skill to teach from the Bible and communicate it effectively for the understanding and spiritual growth of others.
  • Encouragement/Exhortation: Competence in offering encouragement, comfort, and support to help someone be all that God wants them to be. Useful in counseling, discipleship, mentoring, and preaching.
  • Giving: Those who have this gift are particularly willing and able to share what resources they have with pleasure, and without the need to see them returned.
  • Leadership: This aptitude marks a person who is able to stand before a church, to direct the body with care and attention, and to motivate them toward achieving the church’s goals. The gift of leadership is the divine strength or ability to influence people at their level while directing and focusing them on the big picture, vision, or idea. 
  • Kindness/Mercy: This is the defining trait of a person with great sensitivity for those who are suffering. It manifests itself in offering compassion and encouragement, with a love for giving practical help to someone in need.
  • Craftsmanship (Exodus  31:2-11; 2 Chronicles 34:9-13; Acts 18:2-3): The gift of craftsmanship is the divine strength or ability to plan, build, and work with your hands in construction environments to accomplish multiple ministry applications.


Life Change Challenge:  Let the Holy Spirit motivate you to use your gifting in love to build up the church. 

Spiritual Gifts Test 


I hear the Holy Spirit saying…

I live this truth out by…


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