(Bingo – Take the bottom row, second column space for free)

“You can’t handle the truth” – Jack Nicholson
Main Idea:  If you miss Jesus, you miss God
  • Arianism – “an influential heresy denying the divinity of Christ, originating with the Alexandrian priest Arius ( c. 250– c. 336). Arianism maintained that the Son of God was created by the Father and was therefore neither coeternal with the Father, nor consubstantial.” – Oxford Languages

Sub Point 1: Jesus claimed many times to be God

Sub Point 2: Jesus has all authority to judge
 Sub Point 3: There are witnesses in the trial
  • John the Baptist
  • Signs and Wonders
  • Scripture
Application: Jesus is God. Are you willing to fully surrender to Him?
  • Saving faith is evidenced by lasting works in line with kingdom behaviors

I hear the Holy Spirit saying…

I live this truth out by…

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